John Esposito
However, during this period of peace, a rather surprising game has gained massive steam, no pun intended, rising to the top 10 of the Steam Charts. That game happens to be Naraka: Bladepoint, 2021’s martial arts-infused battle royale title, that saw middling reviews upon its release. As mentioned, Naraka: Bladepoint is 2021’s battle royal released by 24 Entertainment in conjunction with internet titan NetEase. Sixty players drop into Morus Island, across various modes, with the goal being to survive the mass. Similar to Apex Legends, players can choose from a roster of characters who bring unique abilities to the table.  Since its launch, Naraka: Bladepoint has had five seasons of support, introducing new characters and cosmetics. It’s currently on its fifth season of content, with 14 playable characters, and a bright future lies ahead, as a mobile port is in the works alongside next-gen updates and a PS5 port. Naraka: Bladepoint’s journey to the top 10, currently boasting around 137,988 peak players, puts it in a premiere grouping of today’s hottest games, with Apex Legends, Call of Duty: Modern Warfare II, and many more holding their own, while Counter-Strike: Global Offensive continues to obliterate the competition. Naraka: Bladpoint is avaible on PC via Steam, Xbox Series X|S and Xbox One.

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Massive Mythical 2021 Shinobi Battle Royale Game Finds Itself in Steam s Top 10 Yet Again - 10