If we look around, having an up-to-date antivirus security program on a system still appears to be compulsory things because the world has just faced massive ransomware attacks like WannaCry and Petya. Recently, Microsoft provided a stats which indicates that users who still use an older version of Windows are at huge risk because many of them don’t run any antivirus software to protect their system from various attacks. The data was published by the software company in the Security Intelligence Report Volume 22 shows that the systems that aren’t listed as “Protected” mean they haven’t installed any antivirus solutions because of several reasons. Majority of systems running on Windows Vista and Windows 7 isn’t listed as “protected’ because users haven’t installed any antivirus. Microsoft Explains “On Windows Vista and Windows 7, unprotected computers predominantly report having no AntiMalware software installed at all. On subsequent Windows versions, Windows Defender is enabled by default if no other antimalware software is present, so the number of computers reporting no antimalware software is very low,” As far as Windows 8 and 8.1 users are affected, the problem here is that most of the users keep their antivirus off because they find it too difficult to understand, others neglect to update their Antivirus products. Well, both Windows 8.1 and Windows 10 comes with Windows Defender, but users still choose to overlook the updates of Windows Defender which makes the system vulnerable to latest threats. Therefore, make sure to update your Antivirus software regularly. So, what do you think about this? Share your views in the comment box below.

Microsoft Reveals Older Windows Users Are Playing With Fire - 84