Contrary to expectations, the first analyzes of these devices have not been positive. To clarify doubts and to show the reality, Qualcomm has come to the public to defend its creations and try to restore the truth. When the tech giant Microsoft and the giant chip manufacturer Qualcomm introduced the first Always Connected PC, the promise of machines with acceptable processing power, thanks to ARM processors and above-average battery capacity, was on the air. This would be the perfect recipe for the next machines that would dominate the market. Now as they are coming and starting to be analyzed, the reality seems to be different and many consider that they are far from expected. The main problem is even in the processors of Qualcomm and what they can give Windows. That’s why Qualcomm decided to show 3 videos where their Snapdragon 845 processors are compared to the direct competition and where they show their capabilities. The first focuses on the battery and what it is prepared to provide users with.

As you can see, this is really a strong point of this architecture and these new processors. It managed to exceed and by far, the 13 hours that the comparison PC reached. On the side of Qualcomm, the low consumptions of the Snapdragon processor managed to take the PC to a very interesting 21 hours of battery life. The tests of the specialized press stayed until the 12 hours. The second video is focused on the little heat produced by these machines, this is another point that can influence the performance of the hardware.

We can see that just 15 minutes after starting a video session, received via streaming, and games, the temperature differences are again high. Qualcomm shows that the device used in the comparison achieved such high-temperature values that it had to lower performances to 36FPS, while it remained at 56FPS. In the last comparison, another of the characteristics highlighted during the presentation of these machines, the start-up time, was tested. Qualcomm reinforces and proves with this video that the machines equipped with the Snapdragon have an immediate start, just like in smartphones. In the test done, both machines are turned off and after 3 hours they are woken up, the PC Always-Connected being ready to use, while the competitor takes some time to become operational.

These tests try to prove what the tech giant Microsoft and Qualcomm have already said since they announced their partnership and the Always-Connected PC concept. From what you can see, the machines have unique capabilities, but lack to see even the most important, processing power. This was a test that seems to be late. So, what do you think about this? Simply share all your views and thoughts in the comment section below.