However, now manufacturers will have the support of the chip maker Qualcomm, which has recently announced its new technology for it, and to take advantage of the new device in 2019. Acknowledged for the manufacture of chipsets, Qualcomm has announced a new technology that will be released in the summer of 2019. They are new sensors of fingerprints that at last will allow their installation under the screen. But not only under the screen, which is a glass surface or plastic – but also this new technology will work on the metal surfaces as well. In such a way that a device with the metal body could count on one of these sensors placed under the frontal frame. However, ideally, in devices with the OLED display, we will see this sensor under the display itself and of course, it will be placed on the front.

Sensors of footprints under the screen: by ultrasound, with heart rate sensor

This technology will become a reality, as the company announced, thanks to the use of ultrasound for the recognition of the fingerprint. Something that will open the door not only to place the fingerprint sensor under the screen, or even under metal surfaces, but also to use as a heart rate sensor instead of those already known that operate by infrared. In addition, it will also allow the use of biometric security recognition with wet fingers, or even directly with the mobile submerged in the water. The phones with this technology will not see the light before the summer of 2019, apparently, the American company has already begun working with some partners. As for the deadlines, it is said that they will begin to install the technology since the beginning of the year, but initially under the back surface of the device. Qualcomm has contemplated an initial phase to install this sensor under the back cover of the mobile with metallic or glass finish, and in the second phase (from summer of 2019) we will see the smartphones with the fingerprint sensor under the screen. So, what do you think about this new technology announce by the giant chipmaker Qualcomm? Simply share your views and thoughts in the comment section below.

Qualcomm s New Fingerprint Sensors Go Through Metal  Glass   Displays - 59