Joseph Ocasio
The series follows the Roy family, owners of a global media and entertainment empire, as they fight each other for control of the company amid the uncertain future of the family patriarch, Logan Roy, played by Brian Cox, as his health declines. Last season saw Logan effectively taking away his children’s chances of controlling the company by renegotiating the divorce agreement between him and his wife, Marcia (Hiam Abbass). The teaser shows that the Roy siblings are ready to put aside their differences and work together to take down their father. If you haven’t watched Succession, think of it as House of the Dragon, except it’s set in modern times, and there aren’t any dragons. It features the same underhanded scheming against family members as they attempt to seize control over their father’s media empire. Since its inception, Succession has been a critical darling, winning several Emmys and Golden Globes Awards for best drama, best writing in a drama series, best actor and actress, and much more. While an exact date wasn’t revealed, Succession will return to TV in Spring 2023.

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