Telegram Founder Pavel Durov, said to TechCrunch; “I think that privacy, ultimately, and our right for privacy is more important than our fear of bad things happening, like terrorism,” this messaging app is considering highly secure transmission between the users for text and all transactions. Previously another journalist has asked him about the misuse of his application, the technology they are using creates violate and ultimately a creation of terrorist…

Telegram Founder Feels no Guilty in Allowing ISIS to Use His Application

One of the journalists have asked him “are you slept well at night? knowing that your application using by most terror group of the world” he in reply said that “Our privacy matter the most than our fear of bad things happening. like terrorism” the answer is totally unacceptable, one side Facebook CEO trying to eliminate an entire account of anyone who names like ISIS from Facebook and this Telegram founder in his own way to prove that is also involved with the terror group. Later on Pavel said, “there is no doubt that the Middle East at war right now and all this involved by ISIS if we disconnect them they will find another way of connections to communicate their mates, however if they don’t feel secure to them then also they will move to another way of connectivity. We should not feel guilty about it, still we are doing the right things and which is protecting our users privacy.” “We were disturbed to learn that Telegram’s public channels were being used by ISIS to spread their propaganda,” it read. “… As a result, this week alone we blocked 78 ISIS-related channels across 12 languages.” Before Telegram, he and his sibling Nikolai established VKontakte, a long range informal communication site more well-known than Facebook in Russia. Passionately hostile to regulation, he permitted VK clients to transfer recordings and music for which they didn’t hold the copyright, a move that was hammered by profession associations and the music business. His conduct can sway in the middle of odd and bold. On Russia’s Victory Day, which commends the end of World War II, he tweeted, “67 years prior, Stalin protected from Hitler his entitlement to stifle the general population of the USSR.” Much of Russia did not discover the joke interesting. He drew national consideration and sharpness inside and outside the Russian government for an insubordinate emphasis on doing things his way.

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In one occurrence, he tossed paper planes profited out his window, then watched a battle break out over the money in the city beneath. He additionally offered Edward Snowden an occupation when the previous U.S. insight contractual worker was allowed shelter in Russia.