With over 550 Million active users, the chat-platform Telegram is well-known for its file-sharing feature over WhatsApp, but now WhatsApp has also announced file-sharing sizes up to 2GB and other features. These features are custom notification sounds, custom mute durations, bots development tool improvements, auto-delete menu in profiles, and some minor enhancements.

Telegram’s New Update Features & Improvements

Here is how every new feature works:

Custom Notification Sounds

The new custom notification sounds allow users to save any short voice clip from the chat by tapping it for a long and can be set for the sound of notification for individual conversations. This Long tap feature will add the audio clip to a new save to your custom notifications sounds list. Also, the audio clip length must be less than 5 seconds and up to 300KB in size.

Custom Mute Duration

Before this update, Telegram Users were able to temporarily mute chats notifications for 8 hours or 2 days. And now users can also pause notifications for a particular quantity of time, like a quick sleep nap for 30min to a 1-month vacation.

Chat Auto-Delete Timer

The new auto-delete option in Telegram profiles allows users to set a timer to auto-delete the chat, the timer can be set for 24hrs to 1 year. The auto-delete menu will all remove the chat content, including messages, images, videos, and documents.

Bot Tool Improvements

Telegram is adding an entirely new dimension that bots can completely replace any website. Telegram will also provide bot developers the tools to create infinitely flexible interfaces with JavaScript, the most popular and more accessible programming language. In addition, now it becomes easier for users to add bots to their group or channel, and users can instantly configure rights and permissions for the bot from the bot’s profile.

Replies in Forwarded Messages

With this new feature, when any replied message is forward to other chats, it will also offer reply previews that help other chats to understand the full context.

Other Improvements

Better grade Message translations from many more languages on iOS, Telegram’s Picture-in-Picture view is improved for Andriod, More new animations including a new look of Settings, with animated ducks walkthrough, and a lot of new animated emojis. You can also enjoy all these features in your Telegram after updating it.

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