Travon Wimberly
The series followers a misguided teenager named David who, through a series of misfortunate events, immerses himself in the underworld of Night City. While those unfamiliar with the franchise can enjoy the anime, fans will have a deeper understanding of the show in general. For example, there are plenty of references such as locations, music, weapons, and many more from the game that fans will appreciate. Even more exciting is that characters from 2077 also make appearances in the show. However, many of these characters have minor cameos, and you may miss them if you’re not paying attention. Here are the notable characters from Cyberpunk 2077 that appear in Edgerunners.

Every Cyberpunk 2077 Character in Cyberpunk: Edgerunners

Major Spoilers For Cyberpunk Edgerunners

Rouge & Claire Russell (Episode 4) – After David and his crew complete another successful mission, they visit the Afterlife for a little R&R. However, the bouncers give Rebecca a hard time when she tries to enter the bar, and David uses his Sandevistan to sneak her inside of the Afterlife. Once they’re inside, Rouge greets them with a toast, and fans can spot Claire serving customers behind the bar.Wakako, Regina Jones, & Sebastion “Padre” Ibarra (Episode 7)- Wakako gives a more experienced David the job of rescuing a kidnaped girl from the Malestorm gang in Episode 7. While she does not appear onscreen, fans can hear her congratulating David on his mission over the phone. Regina and Sebastion (other major fixers from the game) also make brief cameos as holograms during the show.Adam Smasher (Episode 7&10)- The one and only Adam Smasher appears twice in the series. In Episode 7, David’s Ripperdoc talks about his legendary and infamous status. In the final episode, Smasher lives up to his name and takes on David while he’s experiencing Cyberpsychosis and piloting a cyber skeleton.

That’s everything you need to know about which Cyberpunk 2077 characters are in Cyberpunk Edgerunners. For more information on both the game and Netflix’s anime, be sure to search Twinfinite.

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Which Cyberpunk 2077 Characters Are in Cyberpunk Edgerunners  Answered - 88