According to the rumours, the upcoming Xiaomi Redmi Note 4 would be a mid-range smartphone and it will be the upper variant of its previous version Xiaomi Redmi Note 3 which was launched in January 2016. Recently, an image was leaked on the internet which shows the back of the smartphone having two rear cameras. We recently heard numerous rumours regarding Xiaomi Redmi Note 4 but haven’t seen any leaked image. If we take a brief look at the leaked image we can see the Smartphone was held by one of the Chinese actor, Haoran Liu. The back side of the handset shows two cameras adjusted vertically. The LED flash is placed in between two camera modules and the Xiaomi’s logo sit at the bottom end of the smartphone. However, according to the leaked image, we can see there is no fingerprint scanner at the back. Therefore, we can expect that the fingerprint scanner could be combined on the home button. Xiaomi Redmi Note 4 will be made of full metal. According to the rumors, there are clues about some key points of its technical sheet, as the screen and processor. The selected panel would be a full HD 5.5 inches and could be a Snapdragon processor 652. In addition, Xiaomi could offer the device in two variants with 3GB or 4GB of RAM and will have 16GB internal storage. Its release is expected in the coming weeks, we’ll just have to wait and see.

Xiaomi Redmi Note 4 will have Dual Camera According to a Leaked image - 33Xiaomi Redmi Note 4 will have Dual Camera According to a Leaked image - 33