This bug is found by OS X security researcher Pedro Vilaca and this can be seen here. By this exploit of Mac he was able to completely reflash the operating system and can even access the working of Mac OS. This bug is actually found in the sleep mode of Mac OS in which there is memory division got in such a way that there is some access control to the users of Mac os and there attackers can easily inject backdoor there and then able to access and modify the operating system.This vulnerability is actually triggered on MacBook Pro Retina, a MacBook Pro 8.2 and a MacBook Air, all of which had latest version of OS in their Mac. To overcome this issue there is still no patch available as this is zero day bug and not easy to fix at all so patch must be available by apple, but apple is not commenting in respond to this bug. So above discussion is all about Zero-Day Bug In Mac Allows Hacker To Install Malware. As till now there is no patch available for this bug, but hope apple will sonn work on this issue to resolve and protect their user OS being attacked by the attackers. Hope you like our updates, don’t forget to share it with your friends.